In a world where attention is focused on making the client happy, it is easy to overlook your most valued assets – employees and volunteers.
Whether you are a business, trade organization, or some other type of group, corporate outings and specially planned activities not only boost morale, but can also increase productivity.
#1 Improve Communication and Relationships
Interaction outside the normal work environment allows co-workers to identify common interests experience life together outside of the office. Relationships formed on the river translate into better communication in the work place.
#2 Promote Creativity with Exposure to a New Activity
The serene environment of the Lower Colorado River is a natural stimulate for creative thinking. Don’t be surprised to find yourself overcoming mental blocks or suddenly having genius ideas on where to go with your next project while slowly drifting down the river.
#3 Breakdown Barriers Between Leadership and Employees
Doing something together outside of the norm creates a level playing field. Observe one another as just people having a good time rather than boss and employee. See what happens when you return to the office with a whole new perception of one another.
#4 Enjoy a Little Time in One of Texas’ Most Serene Environments
Lets be honest. You all work hard. You deserve to have some fun. The Austin Business Journal’s ‘Best Places to Work’ list is packed with company’s who provide team building and corporate outing experiences on a regular basis. And the __________ reports that today’s workforce values active experiences in outdoor venues over happy hour style _________.
#5 Promote an Active Healthy Lifestyle to Your Valued Employees
According to Men’s Health Magazine, a healthy lifestyle and productivity at work are directly correlated. Employees who exercise, eat healthy, and engage in active social activities are less likely to call in sick or procrastinate on important deadlines. Sure happy hours and catered lunches in the office are great, but what does it say when you go the extra mile and take your team out into nature for a day away from the cubicles?
Corporate Outing Request
Complete this questionnaire and a team member will be in touch soon.